Barungi Specioza is a 32 year old resident of Kiziranfumbi, Kikuube district who always had an inspiration of having a poultry enterprise as her side income. But was skeptical about how much capital was necessary for starting up this business.

Through Naziwa Florence; an Agribusiness Practitioner from Kikuube district who is training young people in Vocational and soft skills; under the Skilling Youth for Entrepreneurship and Dignified Employment Project that is implemented by URDT-I in partnership with Mastercard Foundation in twenty districts and four Refugee Settlements, Birungi applied and was enrolled for the training for three months.
During training, she was introduced to poultry farming practices such as vaccination, brooding, feeding, proper sanitation to mention but a few. “I didn’t pay any money during the training hence transitioning to work immediately”.
Miss. Barungi started her own poultry farm with shillings 2,500,000/= from her personal savings sourced from her monthly salary for she is a cashier by profession despite her added skills in poultry management. Her current capital is shillings 7,000,000/=.
Besides the growth of her enterprise, she has been able to procure two mobile money service lines. These include; both the MTN Mobile Money line and also the Airtel Money line.
Despite her growth in business, Specioza encountered a few challenges at the start of her business that necessitated her not to sleep for two weeks while taking care of the chicks in the brooder.
She maneuvered by the help of her father with whom they have been able to work with. She is so grateful to URDT-I and the Mastercard Foundation for the kind support rendered to her in achieving her vision of a side income.